
Include Tumblr in Your Social Marketing Approach

If your business is hoping to expand their business reach with some new opportunities, then Tumblr is the tool you should be thinking about incorporating into your social marketing.

If you are able to provide useful content that others would find informative so that it captured the attention of customers and surfers alike, Tumblr is an excellent venue for you to broadcast that information.

Tumblr is a free micro blogging service that is also a social network that comes with an audience of over 6.5 million users build into it and it continues to grow. Many won’t even have heard about your company, they will never have read your blog or visited your website or followed you on Facebook. But Tumblr gives you the opportunity to hear about you and go that extra step and find out more about you.

With the more than 6.5 million users, there are more than 1.5 billion page views monthly on the 17 million blogs and every week that number grows by 400 million. There just doesn’t seem to be any slowing down either.

Think of your Tumblr page as your site on steroids. It acts as a warehouse for information about your company. But unlike a blog or website which can be somewhat stagnant with its information, instead it’s constantly changing and being updated. Its purpose is to create chatter that goes on all day long every day, to allow for creative expression and to invite dialogue with the people in your audience.

Tumblr can be an extremely powerful arsenal in your social marketing toolbox and yet, far too often, it is overlooked or not used to generate the best value. When you create constant Tumblr chatter you will find that your Tumblr traffic begins to grow exponentially. You suddenly have the opportunity to place yourself as the expert in the field and to create a desire to hear what you have to say.

Just like users decide who to follow on Facebook or Twitter, users decide who to follow on Tumblr, so they are able to like an item, and re-blog (like a Facebook share) an item. Your Tumblr followers are also able to leave you a message or ask questions. The more interactive you make the Tumblr experience the more visitors and followers you will have the more your traffic will grow.

Tumblr is easy to use and enables you the opportunity to build your brand by quickly sending out messages to the community. If you are looking for a quick way to target your audience and grow your traffic, start posting today.

Include Tumblr in Your Social Marketing Approach



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