
Get Selling On Amazon Quickly

Setup your own Amazon aStore. Get paid monthly for any products that Amazon sells. I setup a basic store in about 30 minutes. Learn how to sell on amazon today!

All shopping, checkout, inventory, customer service, and customer payment is done through Amazon. There's no need for SSL encryption on your internet site or struggling with e-commerce software, any purchaser delicate information goes into the Amazon system. The store is setup through the Amazon Associate Program which is free to join.

The store itself is free to setup and use as of this writing. There are three basic ways to link it up. The second way is to insert the store using an inline frame. This method has the benefit of keeping your clients at your website. The third method is employing a frameset, one frame contains navigation and another the aStore. There are four steps to set this up. There are three basic methods to put products in. You can pick up to 54 products per category. You can setup the classes you want. Pick a Listmania ID code and all those products will load into the store immediately. You can also build your own Listmania also. From the Listmania you may have a link to your profile which can link to your external site and aStore. The 3rd way is to display products that belong to selected Amazon classes or sub-categories. Best selling products for the chosen categories will show automatically.

you may also run products on each page how you need, check marking what you need to put up. These pages are the featured product or class pages, product detail page, search results page, and shopping cart page. The selections of the products loaded up on these pages are Listmania, similar items, your Amazon Wishlist, clients who purchased this also acquired, accessories, shopper reviews, and editorial reviews. The pages change as to which products are fed into it. The product detail page has the most choices. The selection system is easy and quick to setup.

You may select your repayment plan. This can give you a selection of how Amazon will give you payouts. The selections are classic or performance. To get paid by check you've got to have $100 minimum earned or only $10 for the other two methods.

Get Selling On Amazon Quickly



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