Food Dehydrators - Do You Really Need One?
Food dehydrators certainly do have some pros and perks. But then, so do air and oven drying. Let's take a look at some of the pros and cons of dehydrators and other methods.
1. Dehydrators
These neat machines look a bit like air purifiers or humidifiers. They work by circulating hot, dry air around food at a temperature of about 150 degrees F.
1. Dehydrators
These neat machines look a bit like air purifiers or humidifiers. They work by circulating hot, dry air around food at a temperature of about 150 degrees F.
- Speed - There's no doubt that dehydrators speed up the process of food drying, sometimes significantly. Fast drying means bacteria have less time to grow, and it also means that foods tend to retain their color better.
- Space - A dehydrator takes up a lot less space than spreading foods all over screens or stringing them on thread and hanging them in garlands.
- Convenience - When you dry food in a dehydrator, you don't have to carry your food indoors at night and put it back out in the morning. You also don't have to worry about leaving an oven on all day if you have to step out.
- Expense - Dehydrators can be expensive. Expect to pay anywhere from $40 to $250 for various models.
- Energy use - Dehydrators don't necessarily use a lot of energy, but they certainly do use more household electricity than air and sun drying.
- Storage - You won't be using your dehydrator every day, so storing it when you're not using it (which is most of the time) can be a problem.
2. Oven Drying
- Saves space - Since you already have an oven in your kitchen, you don't have to make space for another appliance, or for homemade drying racks.
- * Relatively fast - Oven drying is not as fast as a dehydrator due to the lack of circulating air; but it's generally faster than air drying.
- Energy use - Oven drying is probably the most energy-consumptive method. Even on a low temperature, it takes a decent amount of electricity to keep an oven warm constantly.
- Inconvenience - You can't cook or bake anything else in the oven until the food is dry.
3. Air and Sun Drying
- Free energy - You don't have to concern yourself with using electricity - sun and air are free!
- Flavor - Some claim that air and sun drying produces the best flavor in produce, and infuses it with "natural energy" instead of electrical energy.
- Pests - Bugs, rodents, and pets can spoil your efforts.
- Weather - If the weather turns wet and you can't get your food inside on time, your whole venture may be ruined.
As you look at this list, it seems like dehydrators do stand out as the most effective means of drying food. But if you can't afford one or if you don't have a place to store one, or if you are just working with a small amount of food to dry, the oven and the air and sun can still work. You can also check at yard sales this summer and see if anyone is selling a used dehydrator for cheap.