Minor 6 Chords
For this series, this is the Minor 6 series or essentially we get a 6th chord which is 1, 3, and 5 and 6. And we are going to flat the 3rd of that chord to get our Minor 6 chord. So let us take a look at some of the forms we have done in the past first. So, go ahead and pause this video if you need to. Go back a look at the 6 chords, the Major 6 and some of the forms that we were using, fast forward to whatever. Have a look at to what we went over first in PDF downloads and see if you can spot the three and then just kind of keep track of what that is because that is really going to be the breaking point or the real difference between a Major 6 and a Minor 6.
This is the 3rd , itt gets moved down. You’ll notice that with Major and the Minor chords and so on as well, the fundamental base chords. If you look it into A, then you look at A Minor chord, well the note that moved is the 3 revealing itself.
Okay, let us get on with it. So we are down here on the 1st and 2nd fret. We are not going to be down here anymore because we have kind of run out of options as far as open strings go. We are leaning on those little bitch, though it is always fun to do chords down here because it is not as hard and all that business. We are going to go ahead and move things up here a little bit. And we are going to put on a middle on the 5th fret on the 6th string. And we are essentially going to do the 6th chord, the B6 form that we had done back in the video preceding. So per the diagram, you can see where the fingers are arranged. I am not going to sit here and try to spit it out because we‘re going to do it like, no I’m confusing people. First string under the 3Rd, 5th, you know, somebody going to try and do it. So pay attention to the diagram, let us just do it this way. So we have got an A6. We know that this is the 1, we know that this is the 6, we know this is the 3rd which is the one that we are looking out here and that is the 5 under here. So these three fingers are not going to move, this one is. We are going to move it back one fret. And we are going to have to kind of do a little rearranging to get it go back in to the 5th fret. So from the 6th you are going to put it back in the 5th with the other one. So per the diagram, just arrange your fingers in that order and there is your Minor 6 chord. These are very cool chords. Not a lot of people play these a whole lot but they are really cool, so here we go. So that is an A Minor 6.
Just get into that and make sure they are all coming out. And just keep trying and it will come out. If you are getting 75% of the chord, you know, 3 out of 4, you are doing pretty good. That is only 4 notes there so hopefully you are getting 3 of them. See you in the next chord.
This chord is B Minor 6. And we are going to use the same form as the A6 where the A Minor 6 chord that we did down here and we are just going to move it up for the piano. If you look at the piano, B is 2 half steps above A. And this goes for notes, it goes for chords, it goes for keys, anything can be moved up, and it is [00:03:30]. So this is the chord comprised of notes, let us do the same thing. So here we go, A, A#, B, just gone through that chord.
Do a string check, make sure everything is coming out okay. And let‘s us know if you have any problems. Give us a call, have a lesson, we will help you. See you in the next chord.
Okay this next chord is C Minor 6 and we are going to be using two different ones just like we did with the 6 series, before with the B6 to the alternate B6 from the A string. We are going to do the same thing this time. We are going to take what we were dealing is the B Minor 6 here. We are going to move it up just one fret because when you look at the keyboard, you will see that C comes right after B, so just take it from B and move it up to C. There you go. And you could just keep going on, so it is C# Minor 6, D Minor 6, D# Minor 6, and so on and so forth and do all your Minor 6 chords that way if you want.
But of course we have to make it a little challenging, we cannot make it that easier. The stuff is still fun, right? So let us come down here and we are going to do our thing down here. Okay so you have got your index finger here on C. We need to flat the 3 so this is back here. So, essentially, you got your first two notes like this. Then we need the 6 so we are going to have to rearrange our fingers a little bit here. So we are going to put our ring over here where C is. We are going to put our index over here where the flat 3rd is. On the 1st fret, the 4th string on the 1st fret, see I am still trying. And then this is over here, this is the middle finger on the 3rd string on the 2nd fret. And that is really all we are going to is these 3 notes here, so here we go. Pretty cool. You can add a little more tune if you want but that is a snappy little chord. Per the diagram you can move it, move it around pretty easily that comes in really handy. So just go ahead and try and learn that, go through the chord, pick through it, make sure all the notes are coming out. If you have a trouble, let us know. Come on in for a lesson, we will help you out. We are open all the time and we are giving lessons and you are taking right now, got you! So see you in the next chord.
This next chord is D Minor 6 and we are going to go back to easy territory again and down at the bottom of the base of the neck down here in the first 3 frets. And we are going to do a D6 chord. The D6 is comprised of the 1, the flat 3, the 5, and the 6, so here we go. So it is kind of like a D to a D7 to a D Minor 7. Bunch of different forms that we learned down in this little area down here. That is good to know how to play a bunch of different forms in the same area. That sounds very redundant but that is the truth, you do really need to be able to play as many different variations in the same area as possible. It trains you to think ahead, actually it trains you more in the way that you can relax a little bit more because you know the chord that you are going to probably contains the notes that you are already playing. That takes a load off when you try to improvise and come up with new stuff while there are other people jamming along with you.
By the way, if you ever make a mistake in music, it is always important to tell people that you are just playing jazz. That is the excuse for everything. It is the Neapolitan minor scale. Just tell them that. They do not know what it is. They have no idea. They will never figure it out. See you in the next chord.
This next chord is E6 with a flat 3rd which is an E Minor 6. And we are just trying to go over two of the patterns or two of the chord voicings that we have already going over and apply them to that scenario. So if you come all the way up to the 3rd fret and you do the same formation per the diagram, there you go, there is the E Minor 6 here. And then we will do the same thing our snappy little E Minor 6 down here. And there you go… all over. So E6 here, E6 up here. Now we are cooking. See you in the next chord.
This next chord is F Minor 6. You guessed it. We are using the same forms again. So let us come down here to F with our middle finger and per the diagram, you can figure out where the other fingers go and press down. F Minor 6 based on the E string. For the F Minor 6 based on the A string, you guessed it, we are doing it right here. So once again, there you go, per the diagram for F6. And you do not need one by now, you shouldn’t need one by now. If you do I suppose it is okay. So go ahead and use it if you need to. Make sure all the notes are coming out. Press really hard. See you in the next chord.
Yep, you guessed it. We are going to do the same thing over and over again. This is [00:10:01] but it is a lot easier than having to learn another form, isn’t it? Actually we are going to be doing that later. But right now, let us just concentrate on using the same information on a play on different circumstances. You are going to get a lot more out of this in the 6 chords. I got a pick to do this with because well, they are the Minor 6 chords. They are the easiest ones to kind of do this way. Actually that is a lie, but what can I say.
So if this Minor 6 is a G Minor 6 and then you have got the G Minor 6 quick chord up here. So this is up on the 8th fret right above the 7th. And you can put them together, you are doing pretty good. You are getting up in the Jazz territory.
Later on, we will be practicing some Jazz standards, applying some of these chords, hopefully you will still be around. And I look forward to teaching you how to put some stuff together. In fact, you know what, what I really want to be able to do is teach you how to put stuff together for yourself because that is the most important thing a teacher can do is just basically lead somebody to the threshold over the understanding about something and then let just set them loose. So hopefully you will be able to get the most out of these videos by using them, utilizing them in a way where it helps you get further in your musical explorations and discoveries. So, anyway, this is Stew Johnson. This is the Minor 6 series and thanks for watching, we will see you in the next series.
This is the 3rd , itt gets moved down. You’ll notice that with Major and the Minor chords and so on as well, the fundamental base chords. If you look it into A, then you look at A Minor chord, well the note that moved is the 3 revealing itself.
Okay, let us get on with it. So we are down here on the 1st and 2nd fret. We are not going to be down here anymore because we have kind of run out of options as far as open strings go. We are leaning on those little bitch, though it is always fun to do chords down here because it is not as hard and all that business. We are going to go ahead and move things up here a little bit. And we are going to put on a middle on the 5th fret on the 6th string. And we are essentially going to do the 6th chord, the B6 form that we had done back in the video preceding. So per the diagram, you can see where the fingers are arranged. I am not going to sit here and try to spit it out because we‘re going to do it like, no I’m confusing people. First string under the 3Rd, 5th, you know, somebody going to try and do it. So pay attention to the diagram, let us just do it this way. So we have got an A6. We know that this is the 1, we know that this is the 6, we know this is the 3rd which is the one that we are looking out here and that is the 5 under here. So these three fingers are not going to move, this one is. We are going to move it back one fret. And we are going to have to kind of do a little rearranging to get it go back in to the 5th fret. So from the 6th you are going to put it back in the 5th with the other one. So per the diagram, just arrange your fingers in that order and there is your Minor 6 chord. These are very cool chords. Not a lot of people play these a whole lot but they are really cool, so here we go. So that is an A Minor 6.
Just get into that and make sure they are all coming out. And just keep trying and it will come out. If you are getting 75% of the chord, you know, 3 out of 4, you are doing pretty good. That is only 4 notes there so hopefully you are getting 3 of them. See you in the next chord.
This chord is B Minor 6. And we are going to use the same form as the A6 where the A Minor 6 chord that we did down here and we are just going to move it up for the piano. If you look at the piano, B is 2 half steps above A. And this goes for notes, it goes for chords, it goes for keys, anything can be moved up, and it is [00:03:30]. So this is the chord comprised of notes, let us do the same thing. So here we go, A, A#, B, just gone through that chord.
Do a string check, make sure everything is coming out okay. And let‘s us know if you have any problems. Give us a call, have a lesson, we will help you. See you in the next chord.
Okay this next chord is C Minor 6 and we are going to be using two different ones just like we did with the 6 series, before with the B6 to the alternate B6 from the A string. We are going to do the same thing this time. We are going to take what we were dealing is the B Minor 6 here. We are going to move it up just one fret because when you look at the keyboard, you will see that C comes right after B, so just take it from B and move it up to C. There you go. And you could just keep going on, so it is C# Minor 6, D Minor 6, D# Minor 6, and so on and so forth and do all your Minor 6 chords that way if you want.
But of course we have to make it a little challenging, we cannot make it that easier. The stuff is still fun, right? So let us come down here and we are going to do our thing down here. Okay so you have got your index finger here on C. We need to flat the 3 so this is back here. So, essentially, you got your first two notes like this. Then we need the 6 so we are going to have to rearrange our fingers a little bit here. So we are going to put our ring over here where C is. We are going to put our index over here where the flat 3rd is. On the 1st fret, the 4th string on the 1st fret, see I am still trying. And then this is over here, this is the middle finger on the 3rd string on the 2nd fret. And that is really all we are going to is these 3 notes here, so here we go. Pretty cool. You can add a little more tune if you want but that is a snappy little chord. Per the diagram you can move it, move it around pretty easily that comes in really handy. So just go ahead and try and learn that, go through the chord, pick through it, make sure all the notes are coming out. If you have a trouble, let us know. Come on in for a lesson, we will help you out. We are open all the time and we are giving lessons and you are taking right now, got you! So see you in the next chord.
This next chord is D Minor 6 and we are going to go back to easy territory again and down at the bottom of the base of the neck down here in the first 3 frets. And we are going to do a D6 chord. The D6 is comprised of the 1, the flat 3, the 5, and the 6, so here we go. So it is kind of like a D to a D7 to a D Minor 7. Bunch of different forms that we learned down in this little area down here. That is good to know how to play a bunch of different forms in the same area. That sounds very redundant but that is the truth, you do really need to be able to play as many different variations in the same area as possible. It trains you to think ahead, actually it trains you more in the way that you can relax a little bit more because you know the chord that you are going to probably contains the notes that you are already playing. That takes a load off when you try to improvise and come up with new stuff while there are other people jamming along with you.
By the way, if you ever make a mistake in music, it is always important to tell people that you are just playing jazz. That is the excuse for everything. It is the Neapolitan minor scale. Just tell them that. They do not know what it is. They have no idea. They will never figure it out. See you in the next chord.
This next chord is E6 with a flat 3rd which is an E Minor 6. And we are just trying to go over two of the patterns or two of the chord voicings that we have already going over and apply them to that scenario. So if you come all the way up to the 3rd fret and you do the same formation per the diagram, there you go, there is the E Minor 6 here. And then we will do the same thing our snappy little E Minor 6 down here. And there you go… all over. So E6 here, E6 up here. Now we are cooking. See you in the next chord.
This next chord is F Minor 6. You guessed it. We are using the same forms again. So let us come down here to F with our middle finger and per the diagram, you can figure out where the other fingers go and press down. F Minor 6 based on the E string. For the F Minor 6 based on the A string, you guessed it, we are doing it right here. So once again, there you go, per the diagram for F6. And you do not need one by now, you shouldn’t need one by now. If you do I suppose it is okay. So go ahead and use it if you need to. Make sure all the notes are coming out. Press really hard. See you in the next chord.
Yep, you guessed it. We are going to do the same thing over and over again. This is [00:10:01] but it is a lot easier than having to learn another form, isn’t it? Actually we are going to be doing that later. But right now, let us just concentrate on using the same information on a play on different circumstances. You are going to get a lot more out of this in the 6 chords. I got a pick to do this with because well, they are the Minor 6 chords. They are the easiest ones to kind of do this way. Actually that is a lie, but what can I say.
So if this Minor 6 is a G Minor 6 and then you have got the G Minor 6 quick chord up here. So this is up on the 8th fret right above the 7th. And you can put them together, you are doing pretty good. You are getting up in the Jazz territory.
Later on, we will be practicing some Jazz standards, applying some of these chords, hopefully you will still be around. And I look forward to teaching you how to put some stuff together. In fact, you know what, what I really want to be able to do is teach you how to put stuff together for yourself because that is the most important thing a teacher can do is just basically lead somebody to the threshold over the understanding about something and then let just set them loose. So hopefully you will be able to get the most out of these videos by using them, utilizing them in a way where it helps you get further in your musical explorations and discoveries. So, anyway, this is Stew Johnson. This is the Minor 6 series and thanks for watching, we will see you in the next series.