
How to use Auto Responders for Maximum Benefits

With the goal of profitability in mind, the most important question a web site owner must address is how to maximize the value of visitors once you get them to visit the site. One important element of the strategy is to make use of an auto- responder.
One of the best marketing tools on the Internet is the auto-responder. This widely used marketing tool responds automatically to any email message sent to it. They are triggered by a blank email sent to the auto-responder email address.
For example, when someone sends an email to an auto-responder, the person receives an already prepared email message with the requested information. This happens automatically and almost instantaneously, depending on the internet and email servers.
If you have properly set up opt-in plus an auto- responder series, you aren't personally involved in follow up. The auto-responder contacts the prospect with the initial reply and beyond, becoming in effect your constantly at work, automated sales force. All you have to do is set it up one time. Write the follow up messages, program the intervals at which you want your messages sent, then the auto-responder set-up works for you again and again on auto-pilot.
Always keep in mind that the visitor isn't interested in your objectives. They only want to know what is in it for them. They've given their email address mainly because they want to get information, not so they can read your advertisements. So give them what they want: accurate and useful information on a particular subject. Earn their trust. Then, you can tell about how your products and services could benefit them. If you don't give good content, prospects won't keep opening the emails in your series. Make it a win-win. They get good information and you get a well qualified prospect thanks to your auto-responder messages.

How to use Auto Responders for Maximum Benefits



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